Report Forms and Instructions
Initial Form to Begin CSM Training – Description and Initial Application to take the Basic Course – includes recommendation sheet (Download CSM Initial Application in PDF).
Annual Report Instructions - Description of how to complete the Annual Report Form for use at Charge Conferences (Download CSM Annual Report Instructions in PDF).
Annual Report Form – Annual Report Form for use at Charge Conferences (Download CSM 2024 Annual Report form in a fillable PDF)
Request for Course Credit Form - This form should be completed when a Christ Servant Minister feels that he/she has participated in a course of study or training that should be approved for credit toward certification. (Download CSM Request for Course Credit form in PDF)
Request for Transfer of Lay Speaking or CSM Credentials Form - This form should be completed by a Lay Speaker moving into the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference and wishes to be recognized as a Christ Servant Minister... or by a Christ Servant Minister moving to another Annual Conference. (Download CSM Request for Transfer of Lay Speaking or CSM Credentials form in PDF).
Instructions to Request Emeritus Status - Normally, Emeritus Status is considered for those Christ Servant Ministers, Certified Lay Speakers, and Certified Lay Minsters who are physically or mentally unable to fulfill the requirements listed in the sections entitled Requirements to be a Christ Servant Minister, Certified Lay Speaker, or Certified Lay Minister and have fifteen or more years of recognized service. Emeritus status is awarded by either the Conference CSM Director or CLM Director acting on a written recommendation sent to the Conference Director by the Christ Servant Minister’s Pastor or Charge Conference Official. It should be understood that emeritus status does not necessarily mean that these individuals are no longer able to serve. It is expected that persons who have received Emeritus Status will (if able) continue in Christian service, but will no longer have to complete the training requirements or annual reports.
Training and Reference Manuals
Planning a Workshop? - Provides a resource for individuals and groups planning a workshop. This resource was developed in 2005 by the CSM Conference Director (Download Planning a Workshop? in PDF
CSM Organization and Policies Manual - Provides a PDF copy of the CSM Policies Manual approved by the Board of Lay Ministries (Download CSM Policies Manual in PDF or DOC)
Lay Servant Ministries Catalog - The 2023 Lay Servant Ministries catalog from Discipleship Resources offers the latest resources designed to equip laity for their roles in ministry as disciples of Jesus Christ. It lists all of the advanced courses approved for Christ Servant Ministries' credit. (Download Lay Servant Ministries Catalog in PDF)
Director's Annual Letter
Each September a letter is written by the CSM Conference Director to all Local Church Servants and Christ Servant Ministers as a reminder of the CSM Annual Report to be completed for Charge Conference. This letter often includes information related to upcoming training events, as well as directions on how to complete the report. Prior to 2009 this letter was snail mailed; however, beginning in 2010 in the interest of the environment and financial constraints, the letter is made available via the internet, in conference and district newsletters, and emails. It is hoped that Church Pastors and Secretaries will make hard copies for those LCSs and CSMs in their congregation who do not have access to these electronic resources. The most recent letter is available for Download by clicking the following link… 2023 Annual Letter in PDF.
Annual Conference – Archival Materials
#2005-017 -- One Christ Servant Minister in Each Church - text copy of CSM resolution passed by the 2005 Annual Conference asking each church to have at least one Christ Servant Minister by Annual Conference 2007 (Download Resolution in PDF)
#2005-018 -- Small Membership Churches - text copy of CSM resolution passed by the 2005 Annual Conference encouraging the use of Christ Servant Ministers in small membership churches. (Download Resolution in PDF)
#2007-010 -- Name Change Petition - text copy of CSM resolution passed by the 2007 Annual Conference petitioning the 2008 General Conference to change the name Lay Speaking Ministries to Christ Servant Ministries. (Download Resolution in PDF)
For more information call: 717-838-2812 or E-mail: George Hollich